Baker to Vegas Update
Thank you everyone who helped with our Baker to Vegas team. Due to your continual efforts and time, you helped contribute to “TEAM Temple’s” success. We were able to move up in our ranking to receive 6th place in the overall standings of the Station category. This is an increase of 7 positions over last years placement. Team Temple is very happy with how they did.
There were over 245 teams that participated as well as teams from Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada, as well as numerous teams from around the United States.
Thank you all again for your help and support.
Posted by n6uso under Information,Station Events | Comments (1)
Thank you to all Amateur Radio Operators, who absolutely make this event possible. There is no end to the coordination of all the different parts of the race. From early warning to stage communications, to safety, and team communications ham radio makes it happen.
A great job by all those involved
Comment by
admin — May 1, 2008 @ 11:18 am